So after a brief period of indecision while Ambulance Control, the Met Office and our Incident Controller were trying to work out what the weather was doing, it was decided that we should go on standby from midnight.
So some 19 of us appeared up at base last night, with probably half of us being quite sensible and appearing with sleeping kit. I’d managed a few hours before I went up as well, so as soon as arrangements were over, I headed up for some sleep.
At about 6am, I got up thinking of making some coffee before heading into work – just as Ambulance control called. An ambulance had gotten stuck in the snow, so we dispatched one Landrover to help the casualty and a second to head down to Bargoed to pick up a Paramedic. Unfortunately, I’ve got some important stuff going on at work, so I decided that I’d better head off into Cardiff instead. Mal and I jumped in the car, cleared the snow off of it and made it onto the road in the tracks of the Landrover. Dowlais
had about 6″ of snow, although it was drifting to a good depth.
Roads were as to be expected, but we got to Cardiff without incident. I’ve just had a message that training is cancelled tonight, but I don’t know what time we’re being stood down for, and as my sleeping kit is still there I might see if I can pop up a bit later on.
Pretty quiet night then really.
Update: Looks like that call this morning has been picked up by the BBC here.Â