Aled Treharne on November 29th, 2006

Gah. I missed a callout this morning. Mal has already blogged about it, and the BBC even have a news article about it. It looks like a good call too, and being that close I would have been pretty much almost first on scene. Now I’ve been a bit less forward about attending callouts lately […]

Continue reading about Vibrate?

Aled Treharne on November 29th, 2006

Seeing as all but one of the players are on LJ, I’ve just created an LJ community called dnd_prydain for those who play to join. Those of you who wish to follow their travels, feel free to keep an eye on it.

Continue reading about The last of Prydain…

Aled Treharne on November 27th, 2006

Friday night Simon came back from London for his leaving do – yup, he came back to leave. So after a nice night out I headed back to Mal’s with him and Louisa and grabbed a piece of couch. Hardly had I fallen asleep it felt like, when the pager was going off. Bugger I […]

Continue reading about Missing!

Aled Treharne on November 22nd, 2006

In a conversation with a certain Senior Developer: […] Me: Ya, thanks. Fuck you too. 😛 Him: sorry, you’re not my type.  hairy?  check.  welsh?  check.  female?  bzzz 😛 Me: You like hairy welsh females? Er, ok. Me: But your wife doesn’t ahve a beard… Him: there are no other types  I worry about this […]

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Aled Treharne on November 22nd, 2006

Given the weather over the last few days[1], you’d expect to see walkers on the Beacons with waterproofs, hot flasks, etc. So why were we called last night to a pair without waterproofs? The pager went off at 1848 – just as Mal and I were getting ready to head off to fix his car […]

Continue reading about The need for waterproof clothing in November

Aled Treharne on November 21st, 2006

Whoever said they wanted an interesting life? I could really do with a boring one right now. Life has been rather hectic recently, what with some major changes at work (I now have more control over my time and scheduling; Judy has a better idea of what it is I do daily). The car has […]

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Aled Treharne on November 7th, 2006

So, er, 3 callouts since the last post.  The first was on Saturday morning at around 0400. I got up and quickly dressed before slapping a flask of hot water together and jumping in the car. Made it to base for Alpha and jumped on with Blackie. The callout was in Bridgend where an elderly […]

Continue reading about It’s getting busy again…

Aled Treharne on November 2nd, 2006

Sorry I missed the updates on callouts over the weekend what with all the other joy that was going on. Typically, on the weekend that both Mal and I decided to head to Aberystwyth for weekends with respective better halves, we get two cracking callouts. Very little information on these so far – I suspect […]

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