Some time ago, one of the guys from the team talked to us about the Welsh Ambulance Service Community First Responder schemes.
More recently, reading a post from Tom, I was reminded of the scheme and thought about joining. With the medical training the Mountain Rescue gave me, I have a reasonable knowledge of the basic care already, and this would give me valuable first-approach experience when dealing with casualties. So as I was wandering through the shopping arcade in town yesterday, I stumbled across a WAS display board, publicising their public access defib scheme (they had the same defibs as we use – the PowerHeart from Cardiac Science), and stopped to ask about the CFR scheme. It turns out that the Caerphilly scheme is about to go into a round of training for new volunteers. They seemed enthused by my existing training, so I’m waiting for an information pack for now to see if I can get involved.
Watch this space…