I’ve just received the most random text I’ve ever received in my life:
From: +363059387**
Message: Hi, Babydaddy! Mind if I stalk you? 🙂
Er….w t f???
I’ve just received the most random text I’ve ever received in my life:
From: +363059387**
Message: Hi, Babydaddy! Mind if I stalk you? 🙂
Er….w t f???
+36… Hungary.
Hey, wasn’t me … I swear.
Julianna…….? Mark…..?
But seriously… You mind?
Well, the next clue would be the name “babydaddy”. Of the two of them, which is the Scissor Sisters fan?
(This is JS, btw, gacking her mum’s netname 🙂 )
See, now since Sean told me who Babydaddy was, I’m a little less perturbed, especially as there seems to be a number of people who think Babydaddy is hot. So I can live with that. 🙂
I don’t…someone else might though. 🙂
I’m smiling. 🙂
Uh-huh. Knickers. 😛
That’s no way to talk to a lady…
Some lady!