Sean’s come across a problem recently on his laptop where there’s an earthing problem (probably) on his laptop is causing the headset/mic he has to buzz and hiss. Sean’s voice is naturally quiet, and especially when we’re trying to get a little privacy to talk and he’s in a place where he can’t be alone or similar, so it’s proving difficult. So I’ve decided to have a look at what’s out there for Skype.

At home at the moment I use a VoIPvoice handset connected to my laptop, while Sean’s using a standard headset and mic. I have to admit that though Jon’s had problems with the VoIPvoice headset I find it excellent. So what to get for Sean…

First thing I’m going to try is a new headset/mic combo. This comes with some free Skype minutes anyway, so it’s a no brainer product and is cheap as chips. Then there’s a few other options, most of which involve connecting to the mic jack on his laptop, but I think personally that this is a problem with his laptop, not his headset – I’ll be happy to be proved wrong.

The next option is a USB-based sound device, like the VoIPvoice things. Dixon’s (aka Curry’ sell one for about £60…which is stretching it a little bit for testing. We’ll see about that.

Finally, there’s the option of a USB-based bluetooth headset. I have a Jabra BT200 at home which, along with a nice Bluetooth dongle, should work fine. Someone’s already tried it before. It’d be even better if Sean has built-in bluetooth, which I think he has, but I can’t remember.

I’ll have a play and update the blog with the results – with so many people worldwide looking to VoIP (of whatever kind) to provide low- or no-cost comms I’m guessing there’ll be lots of people amongst my friends list who find this useful.

What do you guys use and love?

4 Responses to “Skype hardware – part 1”

  1. asthmatickitten says:

    The next option is a USB-based sound device, like the VoIPvoice things. Dixon’s (aka Curry’ sell one for about £60…which is stretching it a little bit for testing. We’ll see about that.

    Somewhere under their laptop section, next to a load of wifi routers they have a few boxen of USR USB VoiP-style phone thingies at 20 quid a pop…

  2. bronchitikat says:

    The phone! Except that, just very occasionally, it plays up & the Kitten trys phoning to speak to his ol’ Mum at some stage when she is frantically trying to do 3 things at once before heading off out again. *Sorry, Kitten*

    There’s always the mobile too. But I gather that the average ‘free minutes’ package rarely extends international.

  3. anonymous says:

    Donno if you’re sorted now Aled but Aria do some cheap Skype phones:

    Some for as little as £15, as you said it’s basically just an audio device – speaker and a mic attatched to a usb cable but it’s easy to use.
    ( rant on )
    Not tried them out personally, I did order some and they got as far as my letter box but the t**ts at citylink only tried to deliver once, didn’t leave a card and then wouldn’t give them out without ID when I sent Lisa down to their depot, which given her sense of direction was a mission in itself!
    ( end rant

    Anyway, will give you a bell if you fancy a pint and/or walk up the beacons?

  4. taffyboy says:

    Krag! 🙂 S’mae but!

    Yes, most definately. I’m usually up for a bimble somewhere, gimme a shout.